Name of Project: “Barristerial Menagerie” (Barrister Bookcase)
Dimensions: 34” long x 15” wide x 71” high
Material: Cherry wood / cherry veneered plywood / stained glass door panels
Finish: Danish Oil plus Linseed Oil/Polyurethane mix with a final wax finish
Project Notes:
The main design for this project was inspired by Marc Spagnuolo’s ( design. His ideas on the nesting of the boxes were used for this project, along with his solution for the action on the doors. The doors have minimal hardware, as they ride on groves with a pin pivot.
My changes in the design involved adding a fourth “box” or level to the bookcase. Graduating the size of the boxes, I also simplified the carcass design by reducing the complexity of the panels, and added the stained glass decorative detail.
For a full description of this project, please see my blog posts on the subject.
Click here to go to Part 1 of 3, which describes the construction of this piece.